Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spit up Queen

Olivia is the queen of spitting up. In fact most of our friends have gotten used to wearing full blankets to shield themselves. Others, have gotten used to yelling, ‘CHEESE!’ and running to get a burp cloth when I hold her because of the lumpy spits she does.

Matt is quite accustomed and will yell, “Mom she did a ‘pit up!” . Today he got it bad. I was reading a story to the the kids when all of the sudden a huge surge of white milky vomit came up all over him. He screamed for 10 minutes because he was so grossed out. I am pretty dulled to this whole experience since I change my outfit 3 times a day for this reason. Jess, a good friend, onc egot it all down and in the front of her shirt, but still kisses that baby’s cheeks non-stop.

One day, this girl will smell better but until then, we will still love you cuz your cute, Liv.

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